Monday, May 20, 2013

Coming Out of the Closet

I suspect that, for those who know me, your heart just skipped a beat and the first thought that came to mind was, “WTF!!! No way!!!”  Well, you can ease your mind, that’s not the closet I am exiting.  Also, if you know me, what I am about to write will not come as a big surprise.

I have told anyone who wanted to know that I am, and have been for the better part of the last two decades, a moderate Republican.  I tend to support a more conservative view on fiscal issues, and a more liberal view of social issues.  I understand the government’s need to spend money to support and advance the country’s needs, but I want to see it done responsibly, with plans for paying back any borrowing in a reasonable period of time.  On the social side, I have made it very clear that I am Agnostic where religion is concerned.  If you are an adherent to one of the many religious views present in this country, I do not expect you to live by my tenets, and do not support any legislation that would prevent you from living according to yours according to the rights granted by our U.S. Constitution.  Neither, do I support any legislation which would infringe on my rights, or those of other citizens with other more secular viewpoints.
On the fiscal side, I am troubled frequently by the more liberal side of the spectrum’s view that they can fix all issues at the same time, and just go to the taxpayers anything there is not enough money to accomplish their goals.  We have so many problems in this country that the only way to move forward is through a systematic prioritization of a fiscal plan that will never be capable of solving every at once.  I also believe that, we as a society need to support a social safety net.  Yes, there are those who will abuse it.  But, look at the corporations that abuse the subsidy programs put in place to help advance our economy. 

Now, let spend a little time looking at the gross national debt(GND)  If you look at the chart in the previous link, you’ll find that the GND peaked in the U.S. just after the end of World War II, and began to be erased all the way to the Carter administration (1976-1980).  Ronald Reagan came in to office and we saw his trickle down theories enacted, lowering the effective tax rates, while a massive increase in defense spend was also taking place.  The GND at the end of the Reagan/Bush era had risen to a level not seen since the Eisenhower administration in the 50s.  Now enters Bill Clinton and we see the GND begin to decline, to the point that Clinton actually handed his successor a surplus situation.  That successor, George W. Bush, immediately chose to give that surplus back instead of using it to pay off a still large GND.  Additionally, Bush then proceeded to prosecute two wars, one of questionable strategy, and one based on complete and utter lies.  It should also be noted that his administration chose also to borrow the money to finance these wars, so we saw the GND begin to rapidly climb again.  Not to mention, that at the end of the Bush2 reign, the economy was in shambles and on the verge of complete collapse, because of business deregulations.  Enter Obama, and a economic situation which leaves him the choice of running up the GND or let the economy crash completely, and a Congressional body whose minority party is set only on seeing him fail, using a deficit and a debt situation which their party was chiefly responsible for creating as their whip.  One last note here; during the Bush2 administration, a temporary tax cut was enacted which was scheduled to expire during the next administration’s cycle.  I have to give credit to Bush’s advisers on this one for absolute deviousness.  Given the political environment of the time, and GOP administration would surely extend it, while a Democratic one would be accused of the same old tax and spend party. 

As for my socially liberal leaning side.  I am publicly Pro-Choice, while my wife and I are personally Pro-Life.  We would never consider terminating a pregnancy – unless the life of my wife were in danger.  Those who know me well, know that our first child was born with serious medical conditions, and yet we went ahead and had a second child knowing the potential.  I continue to be Pro-Choice as I do not think it is my right to tell any woman how she should deal with her own situation, that is a discussion to be had between her and her doctor.  If you are Pro-Life, I have no problem at all with that view.  But only where you are concerned, you don’t have any more right to tell someone else what they can and can’t do with their body or life.  And, as far as I know, no is requiring that even consider abortion as an option for your life.  Now on to Gay Marriage; there are those who claim that marriage is a sacred only institution.  While it may have started with some sacred religious foundation, it was long ago removed to a secular world.  Where it once may have been a sacred religious contract, it is now a secular social contract.  It is currently limited to male and female, but requires no conditions that the couple be of the same religious belief, or even have a religious theology.  You can be married without a religious ceremony, but you cannot be married in a religious ceremony without first acquiring the appropriate government sanctions.  It is a secular event which can also hold a sacred meaning if you choose.  Again here, we see that term “choice.” 

Now let’s consider the current Republican political party.  The GOP that exist today has moved so far to the right at anyone to the left of Mussolini is considered a liberal, and the only negotiations they are interest is that which give them exactly what they want.  I know that the previous comment is harsh, and many will take offense.  But, any honest read of the press in recent weeks should lead a thinking human being to the conclusion that the GOP is not interested in lead this country forward unless that leadership gives them complete control to tell everyone how they have to must lead their lives.  A review of history, particular of Europe in the 1930’s, I think very profoundly supports my view. Those in control of the today’s GOP have demonstrated that they are willing to lie, cheat, to achieve their ultimate goal, the theft of the American Dream from all but those they believe are worthy – a very small group which includes themselves.  They have spent about $55 million in 37 attempts to repeal “Obamacare,” knowing full well that it wouldn’t make it passed the Senate.  A right leaning report for a large mainstream news organization was just caught lying for the GOP, There is an alleged IRS and AP scandal that the GOP is just salivating over without any real evidence.  And, just one more event to support my views, we saw not long ago a few GOP representative vote against any aid to the victims of hurricane Sandy.  Those same representative went crying to Congress for financial aid for their constituents when a factory exploded, destroying the factory and much of the nearby town.  Hypocritical?  I think so, and there is no room in their pup tent for me.

So, I am coming out of the closet…  No, not that closet.  I have to accept that in today’s political landscape I, like many others like me, am a liberal.  I know that there are many good and honest conservatives out there that don’t condone the activities of their party, but, until they are willing to stand up against the tyranny that is the current GOP, we are on a dangerous course that could set back the course of our country, if not destroy it completely.  We need to stand up, if don’t want to see this happen.

So…  I’m out of the closet, anyone want to join me?


Your comments or questions are always welcome.  If you have something to add, please feel free to contact me at